Petr Maťa Editor

William D. Godsey is a Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. His most recent book is The Sinews of Habsburg Power: Lower Austria in a Fiscal-Military State 1650-1820 (Oxford, 2018), which won the Arenberg European History Prize 2018 and the Barbara Jelavich Book Prize Honorable Mention 2019. He co-edited Das Haus Arenberg und die Habsburgermonarchie: Eine transterritoriale Adelsfamilie zwischen Fürstendienst und Eigenständigkeit (16.-20. Jahrhundert) (Regensburg, 2019). He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. Petr Maťa is a Research Associate at the Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Having earned his PhD at the Charles University in Prague in 2005, he began his academic career in Vienna with the Lise Meitner-Fellowship. He has lectured in history at the University of Vienna since 2008 and was EURIAS-Fellow at CEU in Budapest 2012/2013. His areas of study include the history of the provincial Estates, nobilities and administration in the early modern Habsburg Monarchy. He is a co-editor and co-author of the Verwaltungsgeschichte der Habsburgermonarchie in der Frühen Neuzeit (1500-1800) (volume 1 appeared in Vienna, 2019). He is currently preparing his Habilitationsschrift comparing the provincial diets in the Bohemian and Austrian lands for publication.