Comparative Metaphysics
3 contributors - Paperback
Claude Lévi-Strauss (1908–2009) was a French anthropologist and ethnologist who was foundational in the development of structuralism and structural anthropology. The best known of his many books are Tristes Tropiques, The Savage Mind, and Myth and Meaning.
Emmanuel Désveaux is a director of studies at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales.
Robert Bononno has translated fiction and nonfiction, including René Crevel’s My Body and I (a finalist for the French-American Foundation Prize) and works by Michel Foucault, Henri Lefebvre, Albert Memmi, and Isabelle Stengers published by the University of Minnesota Press.
Peter Skafish is visiting assistant professor of anthropology at University of California, Berkeley. He is editor and translator of Cannibal Metaphysics by Eduardo Viveiros de Castro (Univocal/Minnesota, 2014).