Hipster Porn
Peter Rehberg - Hardback
Peter Rehberg is a writer, critic, and curator. He holds a PhD in German Literature from New York University and has taught and researched at several universities and institutes in the United States and Germany including Cornell, Northwestern, Brown, University of Bonn, The University of Texas at Austin, and The University of Illinois, Chicago. He has published two novels and a collection of short stories in German. He also writes regularly for German media. In his academic work, he focusses on queer theory, queer visual culture, and popular culture. Among his recent publications are the German version of Hipster Porn and "Energie ohne Macht: Christian Maurels Theorie des Anus im Kontext von Guy Hocquenghem und der Geschichte von Queer Theory" (2019), the afterword to Maurel's Essay Für den Arsch, which under the English title The Screwball Asses was formerly attributed to French theorist Guy Hocquenghem. In 2018, Rehberg was appointed head of collections and archives at Schwules Museum, Berlin.