Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict
5 contributors - Paperback
Jürgen Scheffran is professor and head of the research group Climate Change and Security at the Institute for Geography and the KlimaCampus Excellence Initiative of Hamburg University. He held positions at Marburg University, Technical University of Darmstadt, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Michael Brzoska is professor at the University of Hamburg and director of the Institute of Peace Research and Security Policy. He erlier had positions at the Bonn International Center for Conversion and the Stockholm Peace Research Institute working on issues related to conflict, security and disarmament.
Hans Günter Brauch is adjunct professor (PD) in international relations at the Free University of Berlin; chairman, Peace Research and European Security Studies (AFES-PRESS; senior fellow at UNU-EHS in Bonn and the lead editor of the Hexagon Book Series. He was guest professor at Frankfurt, Erfurt, Leipzig and Greifswald University.
Peter Michael Link is a postdoctoral scientist at the research group Climate change and Security at the Institute for Geography and the KlimaCampus Excellence Initiative of Hamburg University. He has worked on the economic impacts of climate change with an emphasis on marine resources and aspects of land use change.
Janpeter Schilling is a research associate and PhD student in the research group Climate Change
and Security at the Institute for Geography and in the KlimaCampus Excellence Initiative of Hamburg University. In the course of his studies he focused on different aspects related to climate change.