Peter Lax Editor

Peter Lax MB ChB (Hons.), Dip SML, Dip RTM RCSEd, FIMC, FRCA, FFICM is a Consultant in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine, Anaesthetics and Intensive Care Medicine, and a Wing Commander in the Royal Air Force. He holds honorary NHS contracts in multiple Major Trauma Centres and District General Hospitals and is an alumnus of the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Anaesthesia Fellowship Program in Baltimore.

Wing Commander Lax is an active duty consultant in the Critical Care Air Support Team (CCAST) and has been responsible for multiple repatriations of critically ill service personnel back to the UK from theatres of conflict worldwide. He has worked in multiple Major Trauma Centres in the UK and USA. He is the first Defence Medical Consultant to be listed as both a Level 8 Provider by the Faculty of Pre-hospital Care of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and a dual-qualified Anaesthetist and Intensivist. He also holds the Diploma in Retrieval and Transfer Medicine. Wing Commander Lax is an instructor on multiple resuscitation courses worldwide and aims to bring advances in Military Trauma Care into Civilian practice and vice-versa.