Peter Landau Editor & Author

Stefan Kuttner was born in 1907 in Bonn/Germany and studied Law and Legal History in Freiburg/Br. and Berlin. He completed his Doctorate in Law at Berlin University in 1930 and was a disciple of Prof. Ulrich Stutz in History of Canon Law. Dismissed from Berlin University because of his Jewish Family in 1933, he converted to the Catholic Church and took a position at the Vatican Library. In 1940 he was called to become chair in History of Canon Law at the Catholic University of America, Washington /D.C where he resided until 1964. He was called to Yale University 1964 before movingt to the Unviersity of California in 1970.

Peter Landau was born in Belin in 1935. He studied Law, History and Philosophy in Berlin Free University, Freiburg/Br. and Bonn. He worked as an assistant at the Law Faculty in Bonn from 1960 whilst completing his dissertation, joining Professor Kuttner's graduate sutides course at Yale in 1965 where he also lectured on Medieval Canon Law. After declining calls to the universities of Frankfurt/M. and Berkeley/Cal. he accepted the call of the university of Munich 1987 where he was Dean of the Law faculty 1993 - 1995. He was also President of the Society of Medieval Canon Law 1988 - 2000 and President of the Stephan - Kuttner - Institute of Medieval Canon Law 1990 - 2015(SKIMCL). He has authored 'Kanones und Dekretalen'(1995), 'Grundlagen und Geschichte des evangelischen Kirchenrechts und des Staatskirchenrechts' (Jus Ecclesiasticum 92, 2010), 'Europaeische Rechtsgeschichte und kanonisches Recht im Mittelalter'(2015), 'Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte im Kontext Europas'(2016).