Sailing on the Edge
Peter Keating - Paperback
Peter Keating is now retired and living with his partner Kaye in Wynyard, Tasmania. He has a degree in psychology from the University of Tasmania and spent time teaching maths and science in Hobart, NSW and London in the 1970s and 1980s. He became an international sailor, owning 5 yachts ranging from 34ft to 104ft and completed over 200,000 ocean miles, sailing deep into the Pacific and crossing all the oceans of the world. He circumnavigated, using only a sextant, both east-about and west-about. Returning to Australia in the late 1990s, Peter built a stone castle as an esoteric and healing centre, but returned to oceaning again, as his first love, which is where this story begins. He has 2 children, 4 grandchildren and has been a maverick, adventurer and wisdom seeker throughout his life, always regarding himself as an international citizen. Peter is now enjoying a quieter lifestyle, building, gardening, writing and playing his ukulele. If you would like to contact Peter about this book, or his wider sailing exploits, please email him at [email protected]