Peter J Schraeder Editor & Author

Korwa G. Adar is the Director of Research (Area Studies) at the Africa Institute of South Africa, Pretoria. He holds an M.S. in Political Science from Indiana State University, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in International Studies from the University of South Carolina, Columbia. He has taught at universities in Kenya, South Africa, and the United States. His research has been published in many accredited journals, such as: Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, Human Rights Quarterly, Ocean Development and International Law, Indian Journal of International. He is the author, editor and co-editor of many books, including: Sudan Peace Process: Challenge and Future Prospects; Somalia Peace Process: Challenges and Future Prospects for the Reconstruction and Restoration of Legitimacy; and the Globalization and Emerging Trends in African States Foreign Policy series. Peter J. Schraeder is Professor of Political Science at Loyola University, Chicago, IL. He has extensive field experience in Africa and Europe, most recently serving as a Fulbright scholar at the University of Tunis in Tunisia (2002-2003) and as a visiting professor at his university's John Felice Rome Center in Italy (2003-05). His research has been published in such diverse scholarly journals as African Affairs, The Journal of Modern African Studies, The Journal of Politics, Middle East Journal, Politique Africaine, and World Politics. He is the author or editor of numerous books, including African Politics and Society: A Mosaic in Transformation; Exporting Democracy: Rhetoric vs. Reality; and United States Foreign Policy Toward Africa: Incrementalism, Crisis and Change.