Shen Medicine
Peter Hudoba - Hardback
Dr. and Master Peter Hudoba has had special interest throughout his life in martial arts and Asian energy healing systems, including Taoist, Buddhist, and Raja Yoga. Dr. and Master Peter’s professional background is in university education as a highly successful neurosurgeon, teacher and researcher. During his university studies, Peter was intensely involved in research in neurosurgery and received altogether seven awards at home and abroad for outstanding scientific contributions. After completing his residency in neurology at University Komenskeho, Czechoslovakia, Peter moved to Canada. After several years of work as neuroscientist at McMaster University, he went on to study neurosurgery at University of Toronto where he successfully graduated and soon became Assistant Professor at University of Saskatchewan and Head of Neurosurgical postgraduate program at University of Saskatchewan. His lifelong passion for research led him to lead many research studies, which he has presented in conferences around the world and published in many professional journals. After leaving the university milieu, Dr. and Master Peter served for eight years as President and CEO of Sha Research Foundation, where he continues to serve as a leading researcher on the effects of spiritual blessing on the physical condition. Dr. and Master Peter is a leading teacher of the Tao Academy. His desire is to teach everyone how to maintain good health and to help people to reach enlightenment. Now a Certified Master Teacher and Certified Tao Calligraphy Teacher trained by Master Sha, Master Peter travels worldwide to teach and offer lectures on soul mind body alignment and enlightenment. He has personally trained Master Teachers around the world, and served as the leading teacher at the Soul Mind Body Centre of Vancouver for six years, and maintains his medical practice in Greater Vancouver, British Columbia.