Peter Ginter Author

Peter Ginter is regarded as an expert for the visual communication of high-tech attractions. He has made photo documentaries in more than 100 countries for numerous magazines. His numerous international awards include five World Press Photo Awards. Rolf-Dieter Heuer first worked with the JADE collaboration at PETRA, the Positron-Electron Tandem Ring Accelerator at the DESY German particle physics laboratory, later with the OPAL experiment at CERN. From 2004 till the end of 2008, he was research director for high-energy physics at DESY. In 2009 Heuer became Director General of CERN. Franzobel has been awarded numerous prizes, including the 1995 Bachmann Prize, the 2002 Schnitzler Prize and the 2005 Nestroy Prize. Lois Lammerhuber is an internationally renowned photographer and publisher. Lois Lammerhuber has been voted world-best photographer three times. He founded the Edition Lammerhuber publishing house in 1996. Many of his books have received international acclaim. Barbara Warmbein from the press office at CERN has contributed the captions.