Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification and Beyond
2 authors - Paperback
Michael Van Horenbeeck is a technology consultant, Microsoft Certifi ed Solutions Master (MCSM), and Exchange Server MVP from Belgium, mainly working on projects involving Microsoft Exchange, Offi ce 365, Active Directory, and a bit of Lync. Michael has been active in the industry for about 12 years and developed a love for Exchange back in 2000. He is a frequent blogger and a member of the Belgian Unifi ed Communications User Group Pro-Exchange, (www.pro-exchange.be). Besides writing about technology, Michael is a regular contributor to The UC Architects podcast (www.theucarchitects.com) and he speaks regularly at various conferences around the world. You can follow Michael via twitter (@mvanhorenbeeck) or his blog: michaelvh.wordpress.com. Peter De Tender started his career as an IT professional with over 16 years of experience. Peter has a strong focus on Microsoft Infrastructure technologies, with an expertise in Exchange Server since Version 4.0 back in 1995. He has worked on numerous design and implementation projects in Belgium and with International Customers. He has also worked in SMB environments and on large-scale 50,000 mailbox platforms. Besides doing Exchange consulting, Peter frequently works on general Microsoft Core IO platform integration and consultancy projects as an Infrastructure Architect, mainly working with Windows Server, HyperV, and System Center Operations Manager. Peter is a also a recognized Microsoft Certifi ed Trainer and out of that expertise he is both country lead for Belgium and European Chairman of IAMCT, the International Association of Microsoft Certifi ed Trainers (http://www.iamct.org). He is also a Microsoft Springboard Series member. For the last few years, Peter has been regularly traveling around the world for speaking at international conferences on Microsoft technologies such as MCT Summits NA and EU, TechFuse Minneapolis and Community Day, or for working as a staff member at Microsoft TechEds NA and EU, MMS, and so on. Peter started his career as a database admin for an international organization, where he got his fi rst exposure to with Windows Server NT4 back in 1996. He decided to work as an IT engineer on Windows Server, and never looked back. Having worked for some of the largest IT organizations in Belgium, he became the managing partner of a Microsoft technology oriented company in Belgium having 25 high-skilled consultants under his wings. Peter is now working as an independent and has also his own company out of which he is available for hire for giving training, coaching, consulting ,or speaking at your conference. As a technical writer for TrainSignal (http://www.trainsignal.com) and Petri Knowledgebase (http://www.petri.co.il), Peter writes many technical how-to articles on a multitude of Microsoft products, always with a twist from his own experience. You can follow Peter via http://www.twitter.com/pdtit Besides this Cookbook, Peter is also the co-author of Upgrading Skills to Exchange Server 2013, a courseware training guide published by MVP-Press (http://www.mvp-press.com).