Peter Boyle Author, Translator & Editor

Born in 1963 in Merriwa in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, Australia, Cronin grew up in Caloundra, Queensland and following school attended first the University of Queensland and then later the University of New South Wales, the University of Technology and the University of Sydney, studying political science, law, literature and creative writing. After being employed for most of the nineties in law, she has in recent years taught literature and creative writing at primary and secondary schools and also at various universities and writers' centres. Her poetry has been set in texts in numerous schools and at tertiary level in both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Presently, she lives in Maleny, near Brisbane, with her partner and three young daughters.Peter Boyle lives in Sydney. His first three collections of poetry, Coming home from the world (1994), The Blue Cloud of Crying (1997), and What the painter saw in our faces (2001) have received several awards including the New South Wales Premier's Award, the South Australian Festival award and the National Book Council Award. His latest collection of poetry, Museum of Space, published in 2004 by University of Queensland Press, was shortlisted for the Queensland Premier's Award. He is currently completing a long work The Apocrypha of William O'Shaunessy, fictive translations of imagined classical texts. His translations from French and Spanish poetry include The Trees: selected poems of Eugenio Montejo (Salt, 2004), as well as translations of Federico Garcia Lorca, Luis Cernuda, Cesar Vallejo, Pierre Reverdy, Rene Char and Yves Bonnefoy. In 2004 he was shortlisted for the NSW Premier's Award for translation.