Servant of the Glory
Perkins - Paperback
Until his death in 1998, Perkins served the John M. Perkins Foundation for Reconciliation and Development. He was an editor of the magazine Urban Family. Chris Rice (DMin, Duke Divinity School) is the Duke Divinity School Senior Fellow for Northeast Asia. He and his wife, Donna, serve with the Mennonite Central Committee as MCC Country Representatives for Northeast Asia. They are based in Chuncheon, South Korea. He previously served as founder and codirector of the Duke Divinity School Center for Reconciliation from 2005 to 2014. He grew up in South Korea, where his parents were Presbyterian missionaries. He also spent many years living and working in Jackson, Mississippi, with Voice of Calvary Ministries. He was managing editor of Urban Family magazine, cofounder of Reconcilers Fellowship and convener of the Issue Group on Reconciliation at the 2004 Lausanne Forum on World Evangelization. He serves as chair of the Lausanne Special Interest Committee on Reconciliation and the leadership team of the Global Network for Reconciliation. He has written for such magazines as Sojourners, Christianity Today and Christian Century, and is author of Grace Matters, coauthor (with Spencer Perkins) of More Than Equals and coauthor (with Emmanuel Katongole) of Reconciling All Things.