Penny Anderson Author

Penny Anderson is a professional ecologist and botanist, and an adopted northerner, having lived in the Peak District since 1972, and chaired the Peak Park Wildlife Advisory Group for 21 years.

Penny has written management and restoration plans for large parts of the Peak District for the National Park Authority, Water Companies and the National Trust. She co-authored Wild Flowers and Other Plants of the Peak District with Dave Shimwell in 1981. She has also developed new ways of assessing and restoring upland habitats like heathland and blanket bog. In 1998, Penny co-authored a book with the late Oliver Gilbert, Habitat Creation and Repair, and she still runs courses and gives lectures on habitat creation, restoration and management. She also regularly carries out surveys and condition assessments voluntarily for the National Trust, Natural England and the local Wildlife Trusts and contributes to local species recording.