Peggy Murphy Author

Marjorie Ghisoni is a Lecturer and course lead for mental health nursing at Bangor University in North Wales. Marjorie qualified as a nurse in 1996 with Bangor University and worked as a community psychiatric nurse for a few years before becoming a lecturer practitioner part-time, then a full-time lecturer in 2003. After gaining her PhD in 2012, Marjorie believes that compassionate understanding of the needs of people in all walks of life is the main component of healthcare skills, education, development and practice. Peggy Murphy is a Senior Lecturer in adult nursing at Liverpool John Moores University. She has nursing experience in acute medicine and cardiothoracic intensive care and has worked as a registered nurse both in the UK and Australia. She became a nurse lecturer in 2003 and developed an interest in working with students as partners to enhance inclusive practice in nurse education. Peggy was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship by the Higher Education Academy in 2014 for her collaborative work on assessment and feedback. Peggy has published and co-presented her work with students nationally and internationally. She currently acts as a co-convenor for the Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement (RAISE) Special Interest Group on partnerships.