There Is No Such Thing as Cultural Identity
François Jullien - Paperback
Remus Teodorecsu is currently an Associate Professor at the Institute of Technology, Aalborg University, teaching courses in power electronics and electrical energy system control for masters and PhD students. He has authored over 80 journal and conference papers, and one book Power Electronics: Computer Simulations (Technical Press Budapest, 1997), and also holds 3 patents. He is the founder and coordinator of the Green Power Laboratory at Aalborg University, focusing on the development and testing of grid converters for renewable energy systems, and is also co-recipient of the Technical Committee Prize Paper Awards at IEEE IAS Annual Meeting 1998, and IEEE Optim 2002. His research interests are in the design and control of power converters used in renewable energy systems, distributed generation, computer simulations and digital control implementation.
Marco Liserre is currently Assistant Professor at the Bari Polytechnic, Italy, teaching courses in basic and advanced power electronics, and industrial electronics. His research interests are in the control of power converters and drives, power quality, and distributed generation, and he has authored 70 papers on these subjects, 13 of them having been published in international journals. He has worked towards several projects funded by the Italian government and has also lectured at Aalborg University, Delft University, and at the Warsaw University of Technology. He is Editor of the Newsletter of the Industrial Electronic Society, and Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
Pedro Rodriguez received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at the UPC, where he is the head of the Renewable Electrical Energy Systems (REES) center. He stayed as a researcher in the Department of Energy Technology (DET), at Aalborg University (Denmark), what resulted in close research collaboration. Currently, he is a regular Visiting Professor at the DET, where he participates as a co-supervisor in the Vestas Power Programme. His research activity lies on the field of electronic power processors applied to electrical distributed generation systems, being mainly focused on designing of controllers for the grid interactive power processors, designing power electronics based power processors for green energy sources, and proposing new technical solutions to improve stability and power quality in electrical networks.