Foliations 2005 - Proceedings Of The International Conference
4 contributors - Hardback
Vladimir Rovenski (University of Haifa) and Paweł Walczak (University of Lodz), are well-known scientists, specializing in differential geometry, topology and dynamics of foliations. Their scientific contact began in May/June of 1995 during the International Conference “Foliations: Geometry and Dynamics” in Warsaw. Their common interests in Riemannian geometry of foliations and submanifolds sparked the beginning of their scientific co-operation. The authors formed a common theme of research and the idea of a scientific relay race. The scientific relay race was started by Prof. Walczak who had won a Marie Curie grant and conducted research at Institut de Mathématiques de Bourgogne (Dijon, France) from 2003–2005. Prof. Rovenski won a similar Marie Curie grant and conducted research in cooperation with Walczak at the University of Lodz from 2008–2010. Their scientific synergies ongoing, and the scientific relay race is successfully continued by their students. The collaboration and friendship of the authors for over 25 years has led to several scientific works in extrinsic geometry of foliations of Riemannian and Finsler manifolds.