Paulo Leitao Editor

Paulo Leitão is currently an Associate Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança as well as Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering, where he has taught robotics and automation systems courses. His research includes intelligent and reconfigurable systems, collaborative factory automation, agent-based and holonic control, service-oriented architectures and bio-inspiration engineering. He has published his research more than 100 times in journals including IEEE Intelligent Systems, and Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, and at IEEE conferences on Industrial Electronics, Systems, Self-adaptive Systems, and more. He is the research lead on the project “Grace” to develop systems to integrate process and quality control using multi-agent technology. Stamatis Karnouskos is an expert on the IoT at SAP, Germany. He investigates the added value and impact of emerging technologies in enterprise systems. For over 20 years, he has led efforts in several European Commission and industry-funded projects relate to IoT, Cyber-Physical Systems, Industrie 4.0, manufacturing, smart grids, smart cities, security, and mobility. Stamatis has extensive experience in research and technology management within the industry as well as the European Commission and several national research funding bodies (e.g., in Germany, France, Switzerland, Denmark, Czech Republic, and Greece). He has served on the technical advisory board of the Internet Protocol for Smart Objects (IPSO) Alliance and the Permanent Stakeholder Group of the European Network and nformation Security Agency (ENISA).