Paula Storm Author

Julia K. Nims has been a public services librarian for fifteen years. Currently, she works at Eastern Michigan University Library where she has been Public Services Team Leader. Julia earned an MLS from Indiana University, and a MA in History from Florida State University. She has published in RSR: Reference Services Review and the American Journal of Health Behavior, and co-edited several LOEX Conference Proceedings. Paula Storm is the Science Librarian at Eastern Michigan University and holds an MILS from the University of Michigan. Her work has been found in Magazines for Libraries, Thinking Outside the Box: Essays for Innovative Librarians, and College & Research Libraries. Robert Stevens earned his MLS from Wayne State University in 2000, has been a regular editor of the LOEX Conference Proceedings since 2006 and has presented at regional and national conferences on topics ranging from library instruction to Frederick Douglass. He is currently the Humanities Librarian at Eastern Michigan University.