The Lady of Solitude
Paula Parisot - Paperback
Paula Parisot was born in Rio de Janeiro. She has a degree in industrial design from the Pontificia Universidade Catolica (Rio de Janeiro) and an M.F.A. from the New School in New York. She has worked in fashion design and film while pursuing her writing career. Her first book, A Dama da Solidão (The Lady of Solitude) was a finalist for the Jabuti Prize for the short story.Her first novel, Gonzos e Parafusos (Hinges and Screws,2010) inspired a performance art event in which the author spent seven days and six nights in a cage, re-enacting the sanatorium room that mimics the final scene of the novel. Partir (Leaving, 2013) is illustrated by the author and also inspired several performance art and film events. The author lives in São Paulo with her family.
Elizabeth Lowe is the founding director of the Center for Translation Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She has translated both Brazilian and Lusophone writers,including Clarice Lispector, Euclides da Cunha, Machado de Assis,J.P. Cuenca, Antônio Lobo Antunes, and recently João de Melo. Her translation of J.P. Cuenca's The Happiest Ending for a Love Story is an Accident (2013) was a finalist for the IMPAC award. The Brazilian Academy of Letters recognized her for the second translation of the national classic Os Sertões by Euclides da Cunha (Backlands: The Canudos Campaign, 2010). She resides in Gainesville, Florida.
Among the more than thirty book-length works Clifford E. Landers has translated from Portuguese are novels by Rubem Fonseca, João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Jorge Amado, Patrícia Melo, Jô Soares, Chico Buarque, Ignácio de Loyola Brandão, Nélida Piñon, Paulo Coelho, Marcos Rey, and José de Alencar. A former Fulbright exchange professor in the Dominican Republic, he is a recipient of the Mario Ferreira award and author of Literary Translation: A Practical Guide, published by Multilingual Matters Ltd. in 2001. A professor emeritus at New Jersey City University, he resides with his wife Vasda Bonafini Landers in Naples, Florida.