Public Speaking
Paul Walker - Paperback
Julia Gatley is a senior lecturer in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of Auckland. A graduate of Victoria University of Wellington and the University of Melbourne, she is author of Athfield Architects (Auckland University Press, 2012) and editor of Group Architects: Towards a New Zealand Architecture (Auckland University Press, 2010) and Long Live the Modern: New Zealand’s New Architecture, 1904–1984 (Auckland University Press, 2008).
Paul Walker is a professor of architecture at the University of Melbourne. Educated at the University of Auckland, he is co-author with Justine Clark of Looking for the Local: Architecture and the New Zealand Modern (Victoria University Press, 2000). Recent publications include chapters in The Sage Handbook of Architectural Theory, edited by Greig Chrysler, Stephen Cairns and Hilde Heynen (Sage, 2012); Neo-Avant-garde and Postmodern: Postwar Architecture in Britain and Beyond, edited by Mark Crinson and Claire Zimmerman (Yale University Press, 2010); and Colonial Modernities, edited by Peter Scriver and Vikramaditya Prakash (Routledge, 2007).