Paul Sayers Author

Editor: Dr Paul Sayers (HR Wallingford) Dr Sayers heads the Floods Group at HR Wallingford and has worked on a variety of river and coastal engineering and management projects world-wide. He leads the development of risk-based methods at HR and continues to be closely involved in the on-going development of a range of advanced numerical simulation models and system analysis tools - from the next generation of broad scale models to detailed site specific models. He led the quantification of future flood risk within the OST Foresight Project on Future Flooding, and continues to support the National Flood Risk Assessment undertaken annually by the Environment Agency, as well as the development of the next generation models to support Catchment Flood Management Planning, Asset Management Planning and Flood Forecasting. Other advisory duties include: acting as an advisor to the Sustainable Asset Management Theme of the Defra/ EA joint research programme; leader of Research Priority Area 4 (Infrastructure) within the Flood Risk Management Research Consortium and leader of Theme 3 (Integration Frameworks) within European Commission Project Floodsite as well as leading the development of the quantified flood risk system analysis models for the Thames Estuary 2100 project team. Dr Sayers is an associate editor on CIWEM’s Journal of Flood Risk Management.