Un Sac de Billes
Joseph Joffo - Hardback
Paul Brooke is currently a Professor at Grand View University. Previously, he was a biologist for the Fish and Wildlife Service on the North Slope of Alaska, a naturalist for the U.S. Forestry Service on Lake Superior and at Wenatchee in Washington State. He is the author of four previously-published books, including on the wildlife and ecosystem of the Amazon and Pantanal region. His contribution of research for this book is the result of his completed sabbatical through Grand View University on Panthera Onca: Jaguars of the Northern Pantanal. Paul Donahue is a naturalist, artist, photographer and environmentalist from California. He has been working in the South American tropics since 1972, and with jaguars in the northern Pantanal since 2007. During that time he spent six seasons working as the jaguar biologist/naturalist for local ecotourism operators. In addition to jaguars, he has worked extensively with South American birds, conducting avifaunal surveys, recording hundreds of hours of bird vocalizations, and leading many birding trips. With his wife Teresa he has constructed rainforest canopy walkways in Peru and Costa Rica, and built dozens of canopy observation platforms. The two have also conducted many guide training workshops in Peru, Bolivia, and Brazil.