Chapels of the Cinquecento and Seicento in the Churches of Rome
3 contributors - Paperback
Chiara Franceschini is associate professor of Early Modern Art History at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat in Munich. Her publications include Storia del limbo (2017) on images of limbo from Mantegna to Michelangelo as well as essays on the political use of antiquities and on family chapels in pre-modern Rome. She directs the ERC project SACRIMA on The Normativity of Sacred Images in Early Modern Europe on the interrelations between art and religion in Renaissance and Counter-Reformation Europe. Steven F. Ostrow, a specialist in the art of Post-Tridentine Italy and Roman Baroque sculpture, is professor of art history at the University of Minnesota. He is the author of Art and Spirituality in Counter-Reformation Rome: The Sistine and Pauline Chapels in S. Maria Maggiore (1996), and co-editor of and contributor to Dosso's Fate: Painting and Court Culture in Renaissance Italy (1998), Bernini's Biographies: Critical Essays (2006), and Critical Perspectives on Roman Baroque Sculpture (2014). Patrizia Tosini teaches Early Modern Art History at the Third University of Rome. She has published several works on the figurative arts in the age of Counter-Reformation, among which a monograph on the painter Girolamo Muziano Dalla Maniera alla Natura (2008) and Immagini ritrovate. La decorazione di villa Peretti Montalto tra Cinque e Seicento (2015).