A Political History of the International Union of Socialist Youth 1907–1917
Patrizia Dogliani - Hardback
Patrizia Dogliani is Full Professor of Contemporary History at Bologna University, Italy, and Visiting Professor at NYU, USA, and Academic institutions in Paris. She has authored and edited many articles and books on the European Left, History of Youth and Generations, and Fascism, including L’Europa a scuola (2002), Storia dei giovani (2003), Il fascismo degli Italiani. Una storia sociale (2014), Le socialisme municipalen France et en Europe de la Commune à la Grande guerre (2018), Internazionalismo e transnazionalismo all’indomani della Grande Guerra (2020), Un partito di giovani. La gioventù internazionalista e la nascita del Partito comunista d’Italia (2021), Continental Transfers. Cultural and Political Exchange among Spain, Italy andArgentina, 1914-1945 (2022).