Digital Transformation for a Sustainable Society in the 21st Century
6 contributors - Hardback
Patrick Mikalef is an Associate Professor in Data Science and Information Systems at the Department of Computer Science, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, and a research scientist at the Department of Technology Management in SINTEF Digital. His research interests focus the on strategic use of information systems and IT-business value in turbulent environments. He has published work in international conferences and peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of the Association for Information Systems, British Journal of Management, European Journal of Information Systems, and Information and Management.
Elena Parmiggiani is an Associate Professor in Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Digital Collaboration and Deputy Head of Department for Sustainability at the Department of Computer Science at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway. Her primary research interest is the study of the empirical challenges of implementing and maintaining sustainable digital platforms from a sociotechnical perspective. She has published in international conferences and peer-reviewed journals including Management of Information Systems Quarterly, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, CSCW Journal, Science and Technology Studies Journal, and the Scandinavian Journal of IS.