the swailing
Patrick James Errington - Paperback
Patrick James Errington is a multi-award-winning poet, translator, and academic. He is the author of the chapbooks Glean (2018) and Field Studies (2019) and the collection, the swailing, out now with McGill-Queens University Press. His poems have been published widely in anthologies and journals and have received numerous awards, including the Poetry International Prize, the London Magazine Prize, the National Poetry Competition, the Callan Gordon Award from the Scottish Book Trust, and the RBC Bronwen Wallace Award from the Writers Trust of Canada. His works in translation, meanwhile, include a translation into French of singer-songwriter PJ Harvey’s The Hollow of the Hand, and English translations of French-Algerian poet and painter Hamid Tibouchi (forthcoming with Broken Sleep Books) of French-Romanian Philosopher E.M. Cioran (forthcoming from New York Review Books). Originally from Alberta, Canada, Patrick now lives in Scotland where he researches poetic theory and neuroaesthetics and teaches creative writing at the University of Edinburgh.