Patrick J Michaels Editor & Author

Patrick J. Michaels is research professor of environmental sciences at University of Virginia, state climatologist for Virginia, and senior fellow in environmental studies at the Cato Institute in Washington DC. His Bachelor's and Master's degrees are in Biological Sciences from the University of Chicago, and he was awarded a PhD in Ecological Climatology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1979. Dr. Michaels is past president of the American Association of State Climatologists and was program chair for the Committee on Applied Climatology of the American Meteorological Society. Dr. Michaels is author of four books and hundreds of technical and popular articles on climate and its impact on ecosystems and economies. In 1994 he was awarded the American Library Associations "best government publications worldwide" citation, and was an author of the 2003 "Paper of the Year" in climate science awarded by the Association of American Geographers.