Patrick C K Hung Editor

Patrick C. K. Hung is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Business and Information Technology in University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada and an Honorary International Chair Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering in National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan. Patrick has worked with Boeing Research and Technology on aviation services-related research with two patents on mobile network dynamic workflow system. He is also a Visiting Professor at University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. In addition, he was an Adjunct Professor at Wuhan University, a Visiting Professor at the Shizuoka University and University of Aizu in Japan, a Guest Professor in University of Innsbruck in Austria, University of Trento and University of Milan in Italy. Before that, he was a Research Scientist with Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization in Australia as well as he worked as a software engineer in industry in North America. He is a founding committee member of the IEEE International Conference of Web Services (ICWS), IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), and IEEE BigData Congress (BigData Congress). He is also an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, and a Coordinating Editor of the Information Systems Frontiers.