Patricia Uberoi Editor

Rajni Palriwala is Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Delhi. She has taught in various positions at the University of Delhi and at the University of Leiden. Her books and edited collections include Care, Culture and Citizenship: Revisiting the Politics of Welfare in the Netherlands (co-authored, 2005), Changing Kinship, Family, and Gender Relations in South Asia: Processes, Trends and Issues (1994), Shifting Circles of Support: Contextualising Kinship and Gender Relations in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa (co-ed., 1996) and Structures and Strategies: Women, Work and Family in Asia (co-ed., 1990). Patricia UBEROI is currently Honorary Fellow and Chairperson of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi, India. Formerly, she was Professor of Social Change and Development at the Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi, and a member of the editorial board of the journal Contributions to Indian Sociology. Her writings are focused primarily on issues of family, kinship, marriage, sexuality and gender, and on India–China comparative studies. Among her published works are Freedom and Destiny: Gender, Family and Popular Culture in India (2006) and the edited/co-edited volumes, Family, Kinship and Marriage in India (1994), Social Reform, Sexuality and the State (1996), Tradition, Pluralism and Identity (1999), Anthropology in the East: Founders of Indian Sociology and Anthropology (2007) and Marriage, Migration and Gender (2008).