Remembering the Times of Our Lives
Patricia J Bauer - Paperback
Simona Ghetti received her PhD from the University of California, Davis in 2001. She then joined faculty at the National Research Council in Bologna Italy. In 2005, she returned to the University of California, Davis where she is now Associate Professor. Dr. Ghetti studies typical and atypical development of memory and metamemory in childhood, using behavioral and neuroimaging methods. She has received numerous awards for her contributions to the field, including the APA Award for Early Career Contribution to Developmental Psychology. Patricia J. Bauer earned her PhD from Miami University. She was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, San Diego, and then joined the faculty of the Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota. She left Minnesota in 2005 and after a brief sojourn at Duke University, joined the faculty of Emory University. Dr. Bauer studies the development of memory from infancy through childhood, using behavioral, narrative, and electrophysiological (event-related potentials, ERPs) measures. She has received numerous awards and honors for her contributions to the discipline, including the APA Award for Early Career Contribution to the Developmental Area.