Patricia D Stokes Author

Patricia D. Stokes is an adjunct professor of psychology at Barnard College, Columbia University. Her areas of expertise are skill acquisition, breaking problems down into the structure of their solutions and – by extension – creativity/innovation as problem solving processes. She utilises her experience at art school and in advertising to frame her work as an academic. She has written two books on the subject of paired constraints, as well as several journal articles.

Michael Gibbert is a professor of sustainable consumption in the communication science faculty of Svizzera Italiana at Lugano, where he is also the director of the World Challenge Program.  He was previously assistant/associate professor at Bocconi University in Milan, research associate at INSEAD, and post-doc at the Yale School of Management. He has authored or co-authored multiple books and journal articles, and has acted as guest editor for journals such as Long Range Planning, Industrial Marketing Management and the Journal of Product Innovation Management.