Patricia Cole Author

Arthur Freeman, EdD, ABPP, is a professor in clinical psychology at Midwestern University. He has published over 70 professional books, and is past president of both the Association for Behaviroal and Cognitive Therapies and the International Association for Cogntive Therapy. Richard Ney, PhD, is a professor in the Department of Behavioural Medicine at Midwestern University. He has been in clinical practice since 1981 and currently has a part-time clinical psychology practice with Salt Creek Therapy Center in Naperville, IL. Patricia Cole, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and resource clinician in the Center for Pain Management at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. She has worked with patients and families with chronic benign pain disorder since 1991. Garry Treft, MA, is the administrative coordinator for the Department of Behavioural Medicine’s clinical psychology program at Midwestern University.