Patricia Almeida Ashley Author

Patricia Almeida Ashley held the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity at the International Institute of Social Studies in The Hague, and is a Researcher and Advisor of Social Responsibility Strategies and Policies in Brazil. She has degrees from universities in Brazil and the UK. Professor Almeida Ashley has academic and research experience in governance and social responsibility at the organizational, institutional and territorial levels and of public and business administration. She is a published author. David Crowther is Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility and Head of the Centre for Research into Organisational Governance at De Montfort University in the UK. He holds, or has held, visiting appointments at universities around the world. He is Director of the Durability Institute and Founding Chair of the Social Responsibility Research Network. He founded and is editor of Social Responsibility Journal and of two book series. He has published over forty books.