Pat Husband Author

Ron Klinger is a leading international bridge teacher and has represented Australia in over 20 world championships since 1976. An Australian Grand Master and a World Bridge Federation International Master, he has written over 60 books, some of which have been translated into Bulgarian, Chinese, Danish, French, Hebrew and Icelandic. Two of his titles - Guide to Better Card Play and Right Through the Pack Again - won Book of the Year awards. He has created many new bridge ideas and devised a number of conventions. He lives in NSW, Australia, and has written a daily bridge column in The Sydney Morning Herald and The Sun-Herald for over 15 years.

Andrew Kambites is a bridge grand master, a leading bridge teacher and author, and lives in Stroud, Gloucestershire. He has written or co-authored over 20 bridge books. Andrew has written bridge articles for the EBU magazine, English Bridge, for 25 years. Andrew has been directing and running seminars for First for Bridge since retiring as a maths teacher in 1997.

Pat Husband: deceased.