Paolo Carta Editor

Barbara Faedda serves at Columbia University as the executive director of the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies, where she conceived the International Observatory for Cultural Heritage, and as an adjunct professor in the Italian Department. In 2019, she was appointed ambassador, permanent observer for the European Public Law Organization to the United Nations. Her books include From Da Ponte to the Casa Italiana: A Brief History of Italian Studies at Columbia University (2017).

Paolo Carta is a professor at the University of Trento, where he teaches history of political thought and political theory and serves as dean of the School of Law. He has taught and lectured at the École Normale Supérieure, Columbia University, University of Oxford, Paris Sorbonne, and many other universities. His books include Lottare per il diritto (2020).

Contributors include Guido Clemente (University of Florence), Giuditta Giardini (Manhattan District Attorney’s Office), Marco Maiuro (Sapienza University of Rome), Roberto Nardi (Archaeological Conservation Center of Rome), Alfonso Stiglitz (Civic Museum of San Vero Milis), Emerenziana Usai (Superintendency of Archaeology, Fine Arts, and Landscape for the Metropolitan City of Cagliari and Provinces of Oristano and South Sardinia), Peter van Dommelen (Brown University), and Raimondo Zucca (University of Sassari).