Paola Bianchi Translator & Editor

Paola Bianchi is a Ricercatore confermato at the Università della Valle d'Aosta, where she teaches Early Modern History. She has researched and written on the journeys of various English travellers who came to Italy in the eighteenth century to be present at the Savoy court and to be part of Piedmont society. Her publications include Onore e mestiere. Le riforme militari nel Piemonte del Settecento (2002); Cuneo in età moderna. Città e stato nel Piemonte d'antico regime (with A. Merlotti) (2002); Sotto diverse bandiere. L'internazionale militare nello stato sabaudo d'antico regime (2012); L'affermarsi della corte sabauda. Dinastie, poteri, élites in Piemonte e Savoia fra tardo Medioevo e prima età moderna (with L.C. Gentile) (2006); and Le strategie dell'apparenza. Cerimoniali, politica e società alla corte dei Savoia in età moderna (with A. Merlotti) (2010). Karin Wolfe is a Research Fellow at the British School at Rome. Her research focuses on topics in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Italian history, including art, architecture, patronage, and collecting, as well as the history of cardinals and the Grand Tour. Her publications include Roma Britannica: Art Patronage and Cultural Exchange in Eighteenth-Century Rome (edited with D. R. Marshall and S. Russell, 2011) and American Latium: American Artists In and Around Rome in the Age of the Grand Tour (edited with C. M. S. Johns and T. Manfredi, forthcoming). She is presently completing a monograph on Francesco Trevisani, Francesco Trevisani (1656–1746): A Universal Painter, Catalogue Raisonné.