Oxygen Transport to Tissue XLI
4 contributors - Hardback
Dr Pan-Dong Ryu, DVM, PhD is a Professor in Veterinary Pharmacology, Seoul National University, and works as President of Korean Society of Primo Vascular System and Editor of the Journal of Veterinary Science. He was the Dean of College of Veterinary Medicine, Seoul National University (2011~2014). His research has been focused on the electrophysiological mechanisms underlying the synaptic transmission and plasticity in the brain. His recent interest is to characterize the structure and function of the primo vascular system. He is author and co-author of over 160 papers in the peer-reviewed journals. He has been a member of ISOTT since 2015, and organized ISOTT 2018 held in Seoul, Korea in 2018 as President of the Society.
Joseph C. LaManna, PhD is The Jeannette M. and Joseph S. Silber Professor for the Study of Brain Sciences in the Department of Physiology & Biophysics at Case Western Reserve University. He has been a member of ISOTT since 1974 and served as Past President of the Society (2009). He is the Series Editor of the ISOTT Proceedings. He has been involved in cerebrovascular research for 40 years. His research is concerned with brain metabolism, energy and cerebral blood flow, angiogenesis and neurodegeneration. The role of these mechanisms in tissue response to pathological insults (stroke, cardiac arrest and resuscitation, hypoxia) is being actively investigated. His recent research has centered on ketones, cerebral angiogenesis and the role of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 in physiological adaptation to hypoxia, neuroprotection and ischemic preconditioning. He has authored or co-authored over 200 research papers and review chapters.
Dr David Harrison, BSc, PhD, Dr Med Habil, FIPEM was the Head of the Durham Unit of the Regional Medical Physics Department and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medical Physics, Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University, UK until retiring from the NHS in 2009. He then became honorary Senior Scientific Consultant for Oroboros Instruments (Innsbruck, Austria), finally retiring in 2016. He is author or co-author of over 130 publications, mainly in the field of blood flow and oxygen transport to tissue. He has been a member of ISOTT for over 35 years including being President in 1996. Since 2004 he has been Scientific Editor of the “Oxygen Transport to Tissue” volumes.
Sang-Suk Lee, PhD is a Professor of Sangji University. He is a member of the Korean Society of Primo Vascular System, the Korean Physical Society, and the Korean Magnetics Society. His research interests include primo vasculature system connectome visualization technology in lymphatic system, measurement of magnetic property of Fe-hemoglobin by using the nano-magnetic biosensor, and development of a highly sensitive hybrid magnetic device using current transfer effect between giant magnetoresistance-spin valve film and high-Tc superconductor film. He has published over 250 scientific papers in Journals and 50 industrial patents.