Women in Mass Communication
2 contributors - Paperback
Pamela J. Creedon is Professor Emerita at the University of Iowa, who served as Acting Dean at Zayed University’s College of Communication and Media Sciences following her retirement. She started her 35-year academic career at The Ohio State University and began her administrative career as Director of the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at Kent State University. Editor of the first three editions of Women in Mass Communication, she spent 15 years in the public relations profession before entering academe.
Laura A. Wackwitz is Senior Editor and Director of Cable Creek Publishing. A freelance scholar, her research and documentary videos examine the dynamics inherent to discourse, power, and marginalization. Her work appears in a variety of academic and professional journals, including Women’s Studies International Forum, Journal of Communication, Free Speech Yearbook, and Joint Force Quarterly. She co-authored/co-edited Feminist Communication Theory with Lana F. Rakow.