Thomas Hardy's 'Studies, Specimens &c.' Notebook
Thomas Hardy - Hardback
Pamela Dalziel is Distinguished University Scholar at the University of British Columbia and General Editor of the Clarendon Dickens Edition. Her scholarly editions include Thomas Hardy: The Excluded and Collaborative Stories (1992), Thomas Hardy's 'Studies, Specimens &c.' Notebook (co-edited with Michael Millgate, 1994), and Dickens's Hard Times (in progress). Her monograph Visual Hardy: Representing Gender and Genre in the Illustrated Novels will be published in 2009. Michael Millgate retired from the University of Toronto with the honorific title of University Professor. His later work—as critic, biographer, and editor—has been primarily devoted to Thomas Hardy. His Thomas Hardy: His Career as a Novelist appeared in 1971, Thomas Hardy: A Biography in 1982, Testamentary Acts: Browning, Tennyson, James, Hardy in 1992, and Thomas Hardy: A Biography Revisited in 2004. His editorial work has included the seven-volume Collected Letters of Thomas Hardy, co-edited with Richard Little Purdy (1978-88), The Life and Work of Thomas Hardy (1985), Thomas Hardy's 'Studies, Specimens &c.' Notebook, co-edited with Pamela Dalziel (1994), Letters of Emma and Florence Hardy (1996), and Thomas Hardy's Public Voice (2001).