Pablo Andrada Editor

Julio-César Mateus is aPh.D. candidate in Communiction and researcher of Medium Research Group at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Barcelona, Spain. He is a tenured Professor at the University of Lima and guest lecturer in other universities of Peru, Spain and Ecuador. He has been secretary executive of Latin American Federation of Faculties of Social Communication (FELAFACS). His doctoral thesis explores media education in initial teacher training in Peru. His articles have been published in journals such as Culture & Education,New Approaches in Educational Research, The Journal of Media Literacy,International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, among others.

Pablo Andrada, Ph.D., is a scholar of the National Commission of Science and Technology of Chile, Conicyt, and researcher and member of the MEDIUM research group at the UPF, developing his doctoral thesis on media education in teacher training in early childhood in Chile. He is also co-investigator on the project Map of film studies in Chile (2005-2015) and Radiography to the audiovisual references of Chilean adolescents, both funded by the Ministry of Culture of Chile.

María -Teresa Quiroz is a professor at the University of Lima, former dean of the Communication School and Director of the Institute of Scientific Research. She has been President of the Latin American Federation of Faculties of Social Communication (FELAFACS), the Peruvian Association of Communication Faculties and the Ethics Tribunal of the Peruvian Press Council. Author of many books and articles in the field, among them, Todas las voces: comunicación y educación en el Perú, Jóvenes e internet: entre el pensar y el sentir and La edad de la pantalla.