P J Watson Author

Eric L. Johnson (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is Lawrence and Charlotte Hoover Professor of Pastoral Care at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. He is editor of God Under Fire and the author of Foundations for Soul Care. He is an associate editor of the Journal of Psychology and Theology, Journal of Psychology and Christianity, and the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care. In addition he is the director of the Society for Christian Psychology (AACC). Myers is professor of psychology at Hope College. He is best known for his widely adopted texts on introductory psychology and social psychology. He had published widely in professional journals and is the recipient of the Gordon Allport Prize for research studies of group influence. His latest book is The Pursuit of Happiness: Who Is Happy and Why (William Morrow). Stanton L. Jones is provost and professor of psychology at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. During his tenure as chair of the psychology department (1984-1996), he led the development of Wheaton's Doctor of Psychology program in clinical psychology. He received his B.S. in psychology from Texas A M University in 1976, and his M.A. (1978) and Ph.D. (1981) degrees in clinical psychology from Arizona State University. He is a member of the American Psychological Association and served on the Council of Representatives, the central governing body of the APA, representing the Psychology of Religion division from 1999 to 2001. In 1994 he was named a Research Fellow of the Evangelical Scholars Program of the Pew Foundation. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Divinity School of the University of Cambridge and a Visiting Fellow at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge, for the 1995-1996 academic year. Jones authored the lead article, "Religion and Psychology," for the Encyclopedia of Psychology, jointly published in 2000 by the American Psychological Association and Oxford University Press. His article in the March 1994 American Psychologist, titled "A Constructive Relationship for Religion with the Science and Profession of Psychology: Perhaps the Best Model Yet," was a call for greater respect for and cooperation with religion by secular psychologists. Jones has also written, with his wife, Brenna, a five-book series on sex education in the Christian family called God's Design for Sex. He is also the coauthor of Modern Psychotherapies (with Richard E. Butman) and Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate (with Mark A. Yarhouse) and editor of Psychology and Christianity: Four Views. He has published many other professional and popular articles and chapters. Roberts, Ph.D., is distinguished professor of ethics at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He was formerly professor of philosophy and psychological studies at Wheaton College, where he worked on integration aspects of clinical psychology. Author of numerous books and articles, he is currently completing a volume on the moral psychology of emotions. P. J. Watson (Ph.D. University of Texas at Arlington) is professor of pyschology and head of the pyschology department at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. He has written numerous articles relating to psychology and physiology that have been published in psychology books and scholarly journals. Over the years Watson has been the recipient of several grants for research, the most current being a grant from the University of Chattanooga Foundation to support "personality research in Iran." John H. Coe (PhD, University of California, Irvine) is director of the Institute for Spiritual Formation at Biola University in La Mirada, California. He is also professor of spiritual theology and philosophy at the Talbot School of Theology and Rosemead School of Psychology. He is the coauthor of Wildlife in the Kingdom Come and Psychology in the Spirit, and contributor to Reading the Christian Spiritual Classics and Psychology Christianity. His research and speaking is in spiritual formation and the interface between psychology, spirituality and philosophy. He was the founding editor of the Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care and has contributed articles to the Journal of Psychology and Theology and the Journal of Psychology and Christianity. He is married to Greta and they have two daughters. Todd W. Hall (Ph.D., Biola University, Doctoral specialization, University of California--Los Angeles) is director of the Institute for Research on Psychology and Spirituality, associate professor of psychology, and editor of theJournal of Psychology and Theology at Biola University. He is also the president of Alidade Research (alidaderesearch.com), a research and organizational development consulting firm. Hall developed the Furnishing the Soul Inventory, one of the most widely used measures of Christian spirituality among Christian colleges, Bible institutes and secondary schools in North America. He speaks and consults regularly on spiritual transformation, leadership and organizational development to Christian schools, nonprofits, businesses and churches around the country. Having conducted research on spiritual transformation for over fifteen years, Hall has published extensively on the topic in journals such as the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, Journal of Psychology and Theology, Journal of Psychology and Christianity and Mental Health, Culture and Religion. He is also the author of Spiritual Formation, Counseling and Psychotherapy (Nova Science, 2004). Powlison, Ph.D., edits the Journal of Biblical Counseling, teaches at Westminster Theological Seminary, and counsels at the Christian Counseling Educational Foundation. He has written numerous articles about Christian counseling, and about how Christian faith and practice relate to the faiths and practices of the modern psychologies.