P Andrew Miller Editor

John Alberti is professor of English and chair of the English department at Northern Kentucky University, and he has published widely in the areas of cinema studies, writing studies, and popular culture. He is editor of Leaving Springfield: The Simpsons and the Possibility of Oppositional Culture (Wayne State University Press, 2003), and the author of several titles including Screen Ages: A Survey of American Cinema, Masculinity in the Contemporary Romantic Comedy: Gender as Genre, and The Killing (Wayne State University Press, 2017).

P. Andrew Miller is professor of English at Northern Kentucky University. He has published articles on pop culture including Buffy the Vampire Slayer and X-Men. He has published a short story collection titled In Love, In Water, and Other Stories, as well as two chapbooks. His individual short stories and poems have appeared in dozens of journals, anthologies, and magazines.