P Anandhan Author

AL. Ramanathan is a Professor in the School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and New Delhi, India. His research area is in the field of Hydro geochemistry from inland and coastal surface and ground water and their resource management. He has got 18 yrs of teaching experience (PG) and research experience in this subject. He has taught in numerous universities in India and abroad. He has guided quite a number of PhD research students on ground water quality and modeling aspects. He has widely travelled all over the world for the advanced research work in ground water. He is also a recipient of various international and national scholarship and had collaborations with institutes and universities reputed in ground water research in India and abroad. He has published two dozen articles in reputed refereed journals and authored five books in these aspects. He has completed and continuing his research work on ground water got from Indian and international agencies. S. Chidambaram, is an University gold medalist in both B.Sc and M.Sc Geology. He obtained his Ph.D. in Applied geology from Annamalai University in the field of hydrogeochemistry. Currently working as Reader in the Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University. He is an expert in the field of Hydrogeochemistry, hydrogeochemical modeling and application of stable isotope techniques in groundwater. He has developed a computer program 'WATCLAST' in C++ for the classification and thermodynamic studies of water during 2003. He has completed few projects and running several project funded by various government organizations in India like, UGC,DST, BRNS, MoEn&F and AERB. He has developed collaborations with CWRDM Kozhikode, JNU New Delhi, BARC Mumbai, IGCAR Kalpakkam and also an international collaboration with Russian Academy of Sciences. He published research papers in several national and international journals and edited 3 books in the field of groundwater chemistry. K. Srinivasamoorthy is working as Reader in the Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu. He obtained his Ph.D. in Applied geology from Annamalai University in the field of hydrogeochemistry. He has been operating few research projects funded by various Government organization of India. He is working in the field of groundwater vulnerability assessment. He was awarded visiting fellowship by INSA and worked at NGRI, Hyderabad on Electrical resistivity tomogography for groundwater pollution studies. His research interests include groundwater geochemistry and he has published more than 30 research articles in prestigious international/national journals and seminar proceedings. He has co-edited 3 books published by various publishers. He is also regional editor for international journals. He is the member of IAH, IMEA, IGC and ISG. R. Manivannan, working as Lecturer in the Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu. He obtained his M.Phil. degree in Geology from Annamalai University. He was awarded research fellow for the MOEn&F project. He has developed efficient and versatile techniques for estimation of water quality parameters considering realistic field conditions. His fields of interests are surface and groundwater chemistry. He has published few research papers in refereed international/national journals. P. Anandhan, working as Lecturer in the Department of Earth Sciences, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu. He obtained his PhD. in Applied geology from Annamalai University. He was awarded JRF for the MOEn&F project during 1996 and undergone training in (Map info) GIS software. He is working in the field of groundwater quality and environmental impact assessment. He has also developed expertise in the field of instrumentation and analytical techniques. He has published around 15 research papers in refereed international/national journals.