Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing
2 contributors - Paperback
Professor Owen Barr is Professor of Nursing and Intellectual Disabilities at Ulster University. He commenced his nursing career as Registered General Nurse before undertaking his Registered Nurse Learning Disability education and later his Community Nursing Course: Learning Disabilities. He has worked in a number of hospital and community nursing posts in intellectual / learning disability services in England and Northern Ireland before entering nurse education. He has particular interests in health needs of people with intellectual disabilities, including access to general health services as well as the impact of receiving personal genetic information. Owen has written widely, with over 110 publications covering nursing services for people with intellectual disabilities, support for the families of people with intellectual / learning disabilities, the health of people with intellectual / learning disabilities and supporting people receiving personal genetic information. Professor Bob Gates is now semi-retired but continues to work part-time as Professor of Learning Disabilities at the University of West London. He is also Emeritus Professor of Learning Disabilities at the University of Hertfordshire, and Visiting Professor of Learning Disabilities at Derby University. He has a long career in learning disabilities spanning many decades, and is well known for his contribution to the field. During his career he has held numerous positions across the UK in learning disability services, and higher education settings. Before retiring he established the Centre for Learning Disability Studies at Hertfordshire, and previously the East Yorkshire Learning Disability Institute at the University of Hull. He was Founding Editor in Chief of Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, and serves on numerous international journal editorial boards. In 2014 he was appointed Editor in Chief of the British Journal of Learning Disabilities, and has produced more than 160 publications.