Otto Pfersmann Editor

Giacinto della Cananea is a leading authority on comparative administrative law and EU administrative law. He has been awarded an advanced grant by the European Research Council for this research. His publications include several monographs including Due Process of Law Beyond the State (2016), edited volumes, and over 150 articles and book chapters on national and EU administrative law, and global administrative law. His work is cross-disciplinary, often in cooperation with historians of law, experts of international law (particularly in the field of foreign investment), and political scientists, addressing such topics as administrative procedures, judicial review, and regulation. Angela Ferrari Zumbini is Professor of Administrative Law at the Federico II University of Naples. She is the coordinator of the diachronic line of research within the European Research Council funded CoCEAL project. She studied at Humboldt University and graduated from Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali "Guido Carli". She holds a PhD in Fundamental Freedoms and was Visiting researcher at the Georgetown Law Center. Professor Ferrari Zumbini is the national coordinator of the German-Italian Public Law Colloquium and is a member of several international academic networks and editorial boards. Her research focuses on comparative administrative law, with a particular interest in administrative procedure, due process, regulation, and administrative limits to freedom of contract. Otto Pfersmann is a widely recognised specialist in comparative public law and legal theory. His many contributions focus on questions of constitutional adjudication and revision, the relations between legal systems, the theory of interpretation and comparison, conceptions of democracy, and fundamental rights. His take on administrative law highlights the difference between systems prioritising substantive issues and those concentrating on procedural organisation and review of conformity.