Acoustic Waves in Periodic Structures, Metamaterials, and Porous Media
3 contributors - Hardback
Noé Jiménez, is currently “Juan de la Cierva-Incorporación” post-doctoral fellow at Universitat Politècnica de València. He holds a BSc, MSc and PhD in Acoustics from the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain (2015). He has been postdoctoral fellow at CNRS (UMR6613 LAUM, Le Mans, France), and at I3M (Spanish Research Council, CSIC). He has been visiting researcher at Columbia University (NY, USA) and at the University of Salford (Manchester, UK). He holds several patents and he is founding member of a spin-off company. His research interests concern fundamental research in acoustic waves in complex, structured media, and metamaterials, to ultrasound for biomedical applications.
Olga Umnova is employed by the University of Salford, UK, since 2004. She holds position of Reader in theoretical acoustics. She has a Ph.D. degree in Physical Acoustics and a M.Sc. in Physics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. She serves as an associate editor in general acoustics for the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. Her current research interests include materials and metamaterials, particularly for absorption of high amplitude sound.
Jean-Philippe Groby is CNRS researcher at the Acoustics Laboratory of Le Mans University since 2009. He holds an Engineering degree from École Centrale de Marseille (École Supérieur d’Ingénieurs de Marseille), a M.Sc. in Acoustic, and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (2005) from the University of the Mediterranean Aix-Marseille II. He has been a post-doctoral fellow in KULeuven, École Polytechnique (CMAP, UMR CNRS 7641), Supélec (L2S, UMR CNRS 8506), and IEMN (UMR CNRS 8520). He has been involved actively in the professional life of the acoustic community in Europe, notably serving as a chair of the COST Action DENORMS CA 15125.