Oleh Bordiuzhenko Author

Leonid Dvorkin: DSc (1983), Full Professor since 1985. Head of Constructing Products Technology and Material Science Department, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine. Published more than 40 monographs and textbooks on actual problems in technology of binders, concrete and other constructing material. Published many scientific papers and presented research reports at national and international conferences.

Vadim Zhitkovsky: PhD in Constructing Materials and Products (2003). Since 2007 Associate Professor at the Constructing Products Technology and Material Science Department, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine. Research interests: technology High Performance Concretes, mortars and dry mixes, concrete mix design with desired properties.

Oleh Bordiuzhenko: PhD in Constructing Materials and Products (2002). Associate Professor at the Constructing Products Technology and Material Science Department, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Ukraine. Research interests: fiberreinforced concrete, foam concrete, concrete mix design with desired properties. Co-author of 7 monographs, published about 100 papers in scientific journals.

Yuri Ribakov: PhD in Structural Engineering (2001). Full Professor at the Ariel University in Israel since 2014. Chair of Structural Engineering Research interests: structural concrete, reinforced concrete structures, fiber reinforced concrete, etc. Co-authored 7 monographs, co-edited 2 books, published about 200 papers in scientific journals and conference proceedings. Member of editorial boards in international journals.