Ohad Nachtomy Editor & Author

Ohad Nachtomy is Associate Professor at Bar-Ilan University and at Fordham University. He is the author of Possibility, Agency, and Individuality in Leibniz's Metaphysics (2007); "Leibniz on Nested Individuals"(BJHP 2007); "Leibniz and the Logic of Life"(Studia Leibnitiana 2010); "Leibniz on Artificial and Natural Machines" in Machines of Nature and Corporeal Substances in Leibniz (co-edited with Justin Smith) (2010); and "A Tale Of Two Thinkers, One Meeting, and Three Degrees Of Infinity: Leibniz And Spinoza in 1675-78" (BJHP 2011). Justin E. H. Smith is university professor of the history and philosophy of science at the University of Paris 7. He is the author of Divine Machines: Leibniz and the Sciences of Life (2011) and of the forthcoming Nature, Human Nature, and Human Difference: Early Modern Philosophy and the Concept of Race. He has also recently edited and translated, with François Duchesneau, Georg Ernst Stahl's Negotium otiosum (forthcoming).