From Being to Being
Oh Eun - Paperback
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Oh Eun received a Bachelor’s degree in sociology at Seoul National University and received a Master’s degree from the Graduate School of Culture Technology at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Oh Eun’s poetry collections in Korean include Pigs at the Hôtel Tassel, We Love Atmosphere, From Being to Being, The Left Hand is Heartbroken, and I Had a Name, as well as essay collections You Are a Dangerous Robot Right Now, You and Me and Yellow, and Consolation. He has won the Park In-hwan Literary Award, the Ku Sang Poetry Award, the Contemporary Poetry Prize, and the Daesan Literature Award. Currently, he is a member of the literary circle Jak-ran.
Shyun (Suhyun) Ahn translates Korean poems to English. He is the translator of Kim Hyun’s Glory Hole, and he founded and served as the editor-in-chief of Nabillera: Contemporary Korean Literature. He graduated from Tufts University with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and international literary and visual studies. He voluntarily left a Ph.D. program in East Asian studies at Princeton University to join the US Army as an officer candid